Name: Cattleya walkeriana alba
Code Plant: BR 00324
Plant size Price Add
BS - Blooming size US$ 90,00
FS - Flowering size US$ 100,00

Blooming size orchids characteristics
Mature size: Small
Bloom time: Autum -Winter
Flower size: 10 cm
Care: Moderate
Shadowing: 50 %
Altitude: up to 2.000 m
Temperature: Intermediate
Habitat: Epiphyte, Lythophyte
Origin: Brazil ( states of Goiás, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais and São Paulo )
Synonyms: Cattleya bulbosa Lindley 1847; Cattleya gardneriana Rchb.f 1870; Cattleya princeps B.-Rod. 1877; Cattleya walkeriana subsp. princeps (Barb.Rodr.) L.C.Menezes 2011; Cattleya walkeriana var. bulbosa (Lindl.) Fowlie 1977; Cattleya walkeriana var. princeps L.C.Menezes 1993; Epidendrum walkerianum [Gardn.]Rchb.f 1862